
New Fox Sailor vid

Check it out. I did a Take Away Show style thing for Fox Sailor. The new song is called "Smash Their Heads"

Fox Sailor (a Tahoma Take Away Show) from Kelton Sears on Vimeo.


National Freestyle Superball Expo and etcetera

Recently Channel 5 discovered this hidden gem from the archives, an exposé into the extremely competitive world of bouncy ball championships circa 1986.

National Freestyle Superball Expo from Kelton Sears on Vimeo.

Also, some more new vids:

Jubilation Box! from Kelton Sears on Vimeo.

^My attempt at infomercial goodness.

"Wingdings" Curious Kittens from Kelton Sears on Vimeo.

^For video production, we had to make a film in 4 days with the line "Yeah, well the days of me forgetting are over, and the days of me remembering have just begun," a writing utensil, the word "Tahoma," and the theme curiosity, that was between two to three minutes. This is what Charles Renwick, Erin Board, and I came up with...


Comedy Intros, one success, one failure

My video production teacher asked me to do the video introductions for the comedy category at the Northwest High School Film Festival. The first thing I gave him, he didn't like so much:

Comedy! from Kelton Sears on Vimeo.

For some reason, he thought this one was okay though:

Comedy Intro NWHSFF 2009 from Kelton Sears on Vimeo.


Some Art...

Hey everybody! Check me out! I'm all legit with my fancy art. I suppose it's called fancy when you use glow stars and newspaper right? Hope you like what I did:

(Click on it to see it biggggger)



New Story, my biggest, best one yet. To read it full size, click the button on the top right hand corner, and if you click on the "iPaper" arrow, you can read it like a book by choosing the option from "View Mode":




This story is based on a painting my friend Clara did for me for my birthday. I stared at it for a long time until I finished this story. I wrote it in turn, for her birthday, as they are only three days apart. It's called "Poppies" and to read it full size, click the button on the top right hand corner, and if you click on the "iPaper" arrow, you can read it like a book by choosing the option from "View Mode":Poppies